воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.

Traveling and students.

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

It is clear that traveling is the oldest means of acquiring knowledge. So what could be more useful for a school graduates than traveling abroad combined with work there?

First of all, most students, done their living certificates, have never stayed outside their parental home longer than one or two weeks. At the same time the majority of young people starting university studies leave their homes and parents for at least 3 years. Finding themselves in unfamiliar surrounding among strange people, they realise how helpless and defenseless they are. Thus, traveling may help to beat the feeling of helplessness and to gain or improve social skills. After a year’s trip overseas students become more confident and independent. They make friends faster and easily settle down in a new environment.

Upon leaving abroad young people broaden their minds and improve their knowledge about other cultures and social ways of life that also will be helpful in residing within international communities, as many of university hostels are. Such students quickly find means to resolve existing household issues and problems at work.

The next advantage is that these students working for a year after finishing school as earning money for future educational and living needs as have a spare year in order to decide what exact careers they are going to choose. Therefore some of them after working at in their desired industry may change their minds and find the more appropriate option or ensure themselves in an already made choice. However, some people do not want to travel for some reasons. For example, traveling one cannot enjoy the comfort of his home. Also, the possibilities of robberies and losing of baggage should be taken into account.

To sum up, although traveling or work is a good way to get educated, get impressions, nice memories and many friends, it needs extra precautions in order to have a safe journey.

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