понедельник, 26 марта 2012 г.

A lock

These three diagrams show the movement of a boat along a canal over a lock.
The process involves a structure which is built on the canal to let boats move from one water level to another.The construction consist of two identical gates and a large section of the canal to take one or more boats.The gates have valves,called ‘paddles’ which are used for lowering the water level in the lock.
The diagrams illustrate that when the upper gates are open the boat moves into the space between the gates.Then, the upper gates are closed and the ‘paddles’ are opened and as a result, the water level decreases.When level inside the section and behind the lower gates are equal,the last gate is opened.And the boat can leave the lock.When the boat moves in the opposite direction from lower to upper water level,the lower gates are opened first. The boat comes into the section between the gates and they are closed behind boat.The ‘paddles’ of the upper gates are opened,so after some time levels behind upper gates and inside the section become identical.Then the upper gates are opened and the boat moves out of the lock.

In conclusion,we can see that this structure is useful for moving boats along canals with different levels of water on both sides:upward and downward.

понедельник, 19 марта 2012 г.

Prizes given by TV

A group of TV companies was surveyed to discover trends in the type of competition prizes given in the period 1990-2002.Cash prizes were excluded from the survey.
By far the largest percentage of prizes given in 1990 were connected to the home(fully fitted kitchens and household goods).These accounted for 50% of prizes in 1990 but had fallen fairly sharply to 30 in 1996 with a dramatic drop to 9% in 2002.It is possible that as consumer goods became more affordable over the decade,they became less attractive as prises.This can also be said of expensive cars where the number offered as prizes dropped by a half over the same period.
In contrast,extended travel(luxury cruises and round-the-world tickets) rose significantly between 1990 and 1996 and has increased sharply since then to account for approximately 60% of the total in 2002.The number of second homes given away doubled between 1990 and 1996 but has only risen slightly since then perhaps confirming that people prefer to travel rather then stay in their country of origin.
The opposite trend can be seen in the number of prizes which offer the chance to meet a famous person where the figure fell by a third between 1990-1996 and then dipped dramatically to 1% in 2002.
The popularity of designer clothes as prizes has fluctuated during the decade,rising steeply between 1990 and 1996 and then falling to half the 1996 level by 2002.
Over the last 12 year there has been a shift away from consumer item offered by TV companies towards prizes promising a more luxurious life away from a home.It could be argued that the popularity of prises is in direct relation to the standard of living and media promotion of items as desirable or non-desirable. 

воскресенье, 18 марта 2012 г.

Sources of news

The graphs below show where people first got their news,both about the world and about local events,between 1987 and 1997.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.
The graphs indicate sources of world and local news for people in the United Kingdom between 1987 and 1997.
In 1987 65% of people got their world news from television,almost 2.5 and 7 times more than that from other two sources,newspaper and radio,respectively.Whereas only 19% of those who lived in UK got local news from television in the same period.But the main source of regional news for people was print media,at 56%.Radio,as source of both types of news was nearly the same from 9% to 12% and remained stable during the time depicted in the graph.As well as this,the percentage of people who got their world news from television almost didn't change for 1987-1997,with just a slight fall in 1989 of 5%.The percentage of people using newspaper as source of local information decreased to 40% over the 10 years,while the number of inhabitants getting local news from television significantly increased and nearly reached that of newspapers in 1997.

суббота, 17 марта 2012 г.

School spendings

The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by particular UK school in 1981,1991 and 2001.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features ,and make comparisons where relevant.
These three pie charts illustrate the changes in yearly expenses by a certain UK school over a twenty year period from 1981-2001.

According to the charts,between 1981 and 2001 the percentage of spending on insurance increased from 2% to four times as much,whereas by 1991 it only had gone up by 1%.The spending other “workers” salaries felt by almost half with a steady fall from 28% in 1981 to 15% in 2001.

When we compare the spending on resources such as book we can see significant decline from 15% to 9% I 1981 and 2001 respectively.However in 1991 the percentage of spending reached 20%,which is twice more than that in 2001.The expenses on furniture and equipment in 1981 was 3 times as high as that in 1991,10 years later.But it rose by almost 500% from 1991 to 2001.The percentage of spending on teachers’ salaries remained almost equal about 45% over the 20 years,with the biggest increase up to 50% in 1991.

To sum up,the most significant changes were linked to insurance,resources and furniture devisions of pie charts.

Pencil making

The following diagram shows how pencils are manufactured.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.
This diagram illustrates the production of pencils,which consists of two manufacturing departments.
According to the diagram the pencil leads are made of ground graphite,clay and water.All component are mixed into the graphite dough.This mixture is poured into a forming press which makes a graphite rod.Then the rod is cut into pencils leads and left to dry.Once they are dry,the leads are put into an oven and heated to a temperature of 800C.The next stage of pencil making is the preparation of pencil cases.The diagram shows that wooden bars are sawed into thin slats.Then,the grooves are cut in each slat,into which the cool leads are inserted.Both,the wooden parts and the leads are covered with glue and then another slat is mounted on them which contains grooves.This "sandwich" of slats is sawed into sticks,which are smoothed and shaped by a shaping machine.Finally,as fast as the machine creates smooth finishes,the pencils are ready to use.

четверг, 15 марта 2012 г.

Carbon cycle

Carbon is used repeatedly in a process called the carbon cycle.

According to the diagram,there are 2 parts to the carbon cycle,which are linked to each other. Small part of cycle begins when carbon in the form of the gas,carbon dioxide,is present in the air.Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it for growth.Animals then eat plant food and release carbon in respiration.When plants and animals die,their remains decay in the ground.So we have reached the second part of the cycle.When,over millions of years under the ground,carbon from the decaying remains turns into fossil fuels such as coal,oil and natural gas.These fossil fuels are mined out of the earth and used for industrial needs,such as fueling cars,heating homes.Eventually,the combustion of fuels releases carbon in the form of carbon dioxide into the air.

Thus,the carbon cycle plays important role in the exchange of carbon between living things and their environment.

суббота, 10 марта 2012 г.

2012 февраль

Расправив стрелочки усы
четыре пробили часы,
а это значит где-то
меня ждет лучик света
та,что люблю бескрайне,
моей души призванье
зовет меня и манит
и голову дурманит
и,озарив однажды путь,
велит:меня ты не забудь
и дни любви мятежной,
и красоты безбрежной.
Две тонких лодочки брови
под ними чудные огни
прекрасных изумрудов глаз
и острый язычка алмаз
и гладкий шелк её волос
и губы цвета алых роз
и пара стройных ножек
на шпильках , без застежек

и обнаженный силует,
что отражает лунный свет
и тонкой талии охват,
что грациозностью богат
и страстный взгляд,что так манит
и романтический прикид;
густых ресниц неловкий взмах 
вкус поцелуев  на губах 
и бедер чувственных качанье,
и сладкий аромат дыханья;
изысканный изгиб груди

где родинка есть впереди
там на одной из полусфер-
упругий ангельский барьер,
и нежный атласный сосок,
как распустившийся цветок
и кожи бархат без одежды
люблю тебя сильней,чем прежде.