воскресенье, 24 ноября 2013 г.

Personal care products: harm or benefit

Every girl desires to be beautiful. And that is where the personal care products play a significant role. Mascaras, lipsticks, blushes, eye shadows, creams, shampoos – they all help to “hide” flaws and to focus on the merits.

Unfortunately, not all of us are given a healthy and beautiful skin by nature. Causes of this can be both improper care of skin and internal problems of the body (for instance many diseases of the internal organs are reflected in the appearance of a person).

According to statistics an average woman in a developed country uses 12 personal care products a day, while an average man applies only 6. An average person uses 2 litres of shampoo a year plus 1 litre of conditioner for woman. A woman applies 11 mm of polish on her nails and eats 100 grams of lipstick a year while a man pours a 2 metre layer of shaving foam over his face. And this is not the end of the list.
Personal care products are believed to be beneficial and hence became utilities of an everyday life. For example, tone cream and face powder can make the skin shade even and beautiful. Mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow make eyes expressive and deep. In addition, they reflect unique style and mood. With these tools, you can create any desired impression: passion, femininity, modesty… Lipsticks, glosses, lip liners also reflect personality and mood. Fragrances, fake tans and hair products allow you to complete that image.

Despite the obvious benefit of personal hygiene products and cosmetics, there are many opponents of their use. The reason is simple – their negative influence on the skin. The most discussed problems are allergic reactions and adverse effects on the skin. Many women believe that they are allergic to personal care products where, in fact, they suffer from irritation caused by one or a whole group of substances in a certain product. Of course, cosmetics contain not only natural elements, but also many chemical compounds and ingredients that may affect the skin. Swelling, rash, redness, – these are all signs of allergic reactions. If the skin reacts quickly to the use of products that contain irritating ingredients, it is safe to say this is a sensitive skin. Often, such manifestations quickly disappear when the affected area is rinsed with water or soothing lotion is applied. Typically, the most damaging compounds for the sensitive skin are flavouring and colouring chemicals, preservatives , sunscreens and many others, both of natural and synthetic origin. If they take you there – you should stop using products causing the skin problems. But the reasons may be not only in poor quality : idiosyncrasy can play a cruel joke, and even high-quality personal care products may cause reactions and irritations. As a result, you will have to give up and look for other means suitable for your skin. The best action in this case is a visit to a doctor and conduction of tests to identify allergens. However, if the cause is not an allergic reaction but a poor-quality cosmetics, the consequences can be serious. Therefore, experts advise not to use manufacturers of cosmetics that are unknown to you, if possible of course, otherwise, do it with extreme caution.
Notoriously, poor-quality cosmetics is distinguished from the cosmetics that has expired. Many girls do not pay attention to the expiration date or believe that using outdated products will not bring about any harm. Meanwhile, such cosmetics can cause significant damage to health. For example, expired ink may result in eye diseases. Especially damaging are products from natural resources, although they are considered to be the most harmless. The shelf life of natural personal care products is very small, and women do not pay attention to it , resulting in the unsafe use of expired cosmetics. If the reason for the negative effects of personal hygiene products and cosmetics is the use of products after their use-by date, customers have no right to blame the manufacturer.

In addition to complaints about the composition and quality of products, personal care products opponents have another argument: it prematurely ages the skin. Instead of improving its condition and prolonging youth, in fact, it turns out to have an opposite effect such as a premature aging of the skin while all women expect the opposite. A woman may harm herself even more when completely eliminates washing with water, replacing it with a variety of lotions and foams. These substances accumulate on skin, resulting in clogging of pores and leads to skin aging .Doctors-dermatologists advise to use cosmetic products only when needed, to make sure to wash them off daily with water and do not apply a lot of makeup on the face. Thus, the damage from cosmetics can be reduced to a minimum.

Of course, the arguments of opponents and supporters of the use of these products have a right to exist; each of them has their own truth.

However, every year, after the application of harmful cosmetics, many people around the world confront problems such as burns, rashes, allergies, and even the loss of hair, not to mention possible carcinogenic effects, which occur with prolonged use of these chemicals.

Once choosing a cosmetic product, people must know the harmful and dangerous cosmetic ingredients. This article does not serve as a call to abandon a number of comforts of civilization. You just need to be informed and to give up the goods which include hazardous, poisonous ingredients.

Why do the manufacturers of these products include dangerous substances while there are safer counterparts?

The first reason -they use the ingredients that are cheaper. And when some of the developed and consumer-conscious countries prohibit the utilisation of cheap and dangerous constituents, there still remain many countries where this is allowed. Thus even “serious” and “respectful” producers do not hesitate to use cheap components. The second reason – often manufacturers use untested ingredients, without spending time and money on a thorough research of newly created substances. Moreover, producers do not rush to give them up even if they have side effects.

Have you ever noticed how advertising affects the price and quality of the products? When a new product appears in the market, no matter what it is – chocolate, sausage or cosmetics, it usually satisfies you in terms of price and quality. But then, when the item of interest begins to be constantly advertised on television, it either becomes expensive or starts to deteriorate in quality, and often, unfortunately, both happens. Usually, the quality of the world’s widely advertised brands is low – the bulk of the cost of production goes to advertising and expansion of the corporation.

List of hazardous substances in personal hygiene products and cosmetics (for more detailed descriptions refer to related articles) :

1. Sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS) or Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) – found in shampoos and other cosmetics. Should not be contained in children’s cosmetics! Particularly dangerous for children!

2 . Phosphates – anionic surfactant, used in washing powders or other detergents. Avoid detergents containing these substances , as well as those containing chlorine.

3 . Phthalates. Abbreviations : BBP – phenyl butyl phthalate , DBP – di ( n-butyl) phthalate , DEHP – di (2 – ethylhexyl) phthalate, DEP – diethyl phthalate , DHP – di-n -hexyl phthalate. Phthalates are often a part of perfumery and hair lotions, antiperspirants . According to CDC – American Center for Disease Control and Prevention , they are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for posterity. Particularly dangerous for children, pregnant and nursing mothers.

4 . Fluoride and sodium fluoride -found in toothpastes . Should not be contained in children’s toothpaste ! Particularly dangerous for children.

5 . Propylene glycol , ethylene glycol – found in creams , lotions and other humidifiers , decorative cosmetics liquids . If it is listed as one of the first [ingredients] in a cosmetic composition, it indicates a high concentration of substance!

6 . Lanolin – ingredient of various cosmetics , usually creams ( may cause skin sensitization ) .

7. Triclosan chlorophenol – as an antibacterial substance that is a part of antibacterial soaps, toothpastes , shaving creams and other cosmetics and detergents. One of its “advantages” is destroying harmful and beneficial bacteria, however the side effects are not less dangerous.

8. Parabens the collective name for methylparaben, butylparaben, ethylparabenparabeny – in cosmetic products, they are used as preservatives . In antiperspirants, they used as antimicrobials against perspiration and may cause dermatitis , allergies and other skin effects.

9 . Aluminum salts – are a part of deodorants and antiperspirants (can cause breast cancer).

10. Methyldibromglutaronitrile (MDGN) – as a preservative is a part of gels, masks, creams, tanning, shampoos (often causes allergic reactions, skin diseases).

11. Loramid D – this is a semi-synthetic chemical used for foaming and thickening of various cosmetic products. In addition, it is used in detergents for washing dishes because of its ability to remove fat (can dry the hair and the skin, causing itching, and allergic reactions) .

The debate about the dangers and benefits of cosmetics continues for years. One group of people is in favour of the use of cosmetics, the other – against. Each leads the arguments, and almost all of them are right because it can be both damaging and beneficial. The main point is: it is necessary to select cosmetics very carefully. Then your skin will say “Thank you”

воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.

Traveling and students.

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

It is clear that traveling is the oldest means of acquiring knowledge. So what could be more useful for a school graduates than traveling abroad combined with work there?

First of all, most students, done their living certificates, have never stayed outside their parental home longer than one or two weeks. At the same time the majority of young people starting university studies leave their homes and parents for at least 3 years. Finding themselves in unfamiliar surrounding among strange people, they realise how helpless and defenseless they are. Thus, traveling may help to beat the feeling of helplessness and to gain or improve social skills. After a year’s trip overseas students become more confident and independent. They make friends faster and easily settle down in a new environment.

Upon leaving abroad young people broaden their minds and improve their knowledge about other cultures and social ways of life that also will be helpful in residing within international communities, as many of university hostels are. Such students quickly find means to resolve existing household issues and problems at work.

The next advantage is that these students working for a year after finishing school as earning money for future educational and living needs as have a spare year in order to decide what exact careers they are going to choose. Therefore some of them after working at in their desired industry may change their minds and find the more appropriate option or ensure themselves in an already made choice. However, some people do not want to travel for some reasons. For example, traveling one cannot enjoy the comfort of his home. Also, the possibilities of robberies and losing of baggage should be taken into account.

To sum up, although traveling or work is a good way to get educated, get impressions, nice memories and many friends, it needs extra precautions in order to have a safe journey.

воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

Cooperation or competition?

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate rather than compete become more useful adults.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Parents always expect more from their children and in order to help them to be the best, parents may be inclined to promote different ways of education such as competition or cooperation. Both methods have their benefits and drawbacks.

It is undoubtedly clear that competition forces children to make more efforts in order to gain desirable things or marks, hence improves their skills and abilities. Competitive young people are very determined and strong-willed. However, the excess of competitiveness may bring harm to youth. For example, children with an excessive sense of competition aim only for a win. They cannot accept failure and that in turn may push them to lie or cheat.

However, youngsters with an inclination to cooperate very often become good team players in adulthood, who are able to solve problems and disagreements existing in a group or at a work place. They will easily lead a working team and drive it towards a stated target. There is no doubt that students who prefer cooperation usually yield to competitive ones in speed of task performance. However, the latter easily compensate for it in accuracy of performance and diversity of task answers.

To sum up, although both methods of child's development have their advantages, as I see it, the best answer lays in moderation of competitiveness and cooperation. Thus, such a child will overlap disadvantages of one method with advantages of another.

пятница, 11 октября 2013 г.

Undergrounds in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington, Kyoto and Los Angeles

The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

This table shows data about the undergrounds in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington, Kyoto and Los Angeles in terms of dates of opening, length of routes and number of passengers.

It is noticeable that the oldest railway system of the six given was opened in London in 1863 while the newest system, the Los Angeles underground, was founded almost a century and a half later in 2001. Four other undergrounds were started in the 20th century : two of which were Paris and Tokyo at the beginning and the other two at the end of the century.

When we compare the lengths of the railway systems we can see that length of route almost corresponds to date of genesis. The longest is the London underground at a route of 394 kilometers. The next one is Paris with the length of the system being half of that in London. The shortest system is in Kyoto at 11 kilometres. Although Los Angeles is the most resent, it almost 3 times as long as Kyoto’s one at 28 km.

A close examination of the number of passengers reveals that the most popular are the ones in the Tokyo and Paris with 1927 and 1191m passengers per year respectively, while the less used are Kyoto and Los Angeles at 45 and 50 million respectively.

To sum up, the table show us that the length of undergrounds mostly depends on the dates of opening, however the numbers of passengers were not relevant to the dates but possibly to the population of cities.

суббота, 7 сентября 2013 г.

The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

These two charts indicate the number of reasons for study according to the age of students with additional information about employer’s support of students of different age groups.

According to the first chart the percentage of students, who study for their career, steadily decreases with age starting from 80% for group of under 26 and reaches almost 20% for group of over 49%.However the percentage of those who study for interest increases in moderation from 10% to 70% for the same groups respectively. It is noticeable that only in the group 40-49 the percentage of students for both study reasons are level at 40%.

When we compare support that employers extend to working students we can see that 60% of students up to 26 years get time off and help with fees. The percentage of employer’s support declines in the two next groups, halving at group age of 30-39,while slightly recovering in the following two groups, reaching 40% for student over 40.

суббота, 31 августа 2013 г.

The chart above shows the different levels of post school qualifications in Australia and the proportion of men and women who held them in 1999.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

This chart display the percentage of post-school graduates in Australia according to gender and qualification levels in 1999.

According to the chart the men is higher in skilled vocational diplomas,postgraduate diplomas and masters degrees,whereas women dominated in undergraduate diplomas and bachelor's degrees.

When we compare levels of post-school qualification we can see that the highest level of males was in skilled vocational diplomas,at about 90%,nine times more than that of females.While the lowest one was in undergraduate diplomas at around 35%,almost half of that of women at the same level.The smallest difference between genders existed in bachelor's degrees,where it was less than 10% in favour of women,who slightly exceeded 50%.The percentage of females in undergraduate diplomas and males in postgraduate diplomas were equal at 70%.However,the percentage of men in undergraduate diplomas was higher than that of women in postgraduate diplomas 35% and 30% respectively.

To sum up,the biggest difference between genders was in skilled vocational diplomas,while in others levels the percentage fluctuated from 30% to 70%.

среда, 31 июля 2013 г.

до скольки лет можно ездить в автобусе бесплатно в украине?

Выдержки из Правил предоставления услуг пассажирского автомобильного транспорта
С полным содержанием документа можно ознакомиться здесь: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/cgi-bin/laws/main.cgi?page=1&nreg=176-97-%EF Постановлением КМ N 983 (983-2009-п) от 09.09.2009
Пассажир автобуса имеет право:1) на безопасную и высококачественную перевозку;
2) предъявлять требования к перевозчику по выполнению им условий договора перевозки;
3) перевозить животных в установленном законодательством порядке;
4) перевозить бесплатно одну единицу багажа в случае поездки
на маршруте городского или пригородного сообщения при условии, что его размеры не превышают 100 х 50 х 30 сантиметров, весом до 20
5) гарантировано перевозить две единицы багажа с оплатой согласно тарифам за каждую из них и бесплатно перевозить одну единицу
ручной клади в салоне транспортного средства в случае поездки на
маршруте междугородного или международного сообщения;
6) бесплатно перевозить ручную кладь в количестве не более двух единиц на городских и пригородных маршрутах;
7) бесплатно перевозить с собой одного ребенка в возрасте до шести
лет без права занятия ею отдельного места;
8) приобретать для детей от шести до 14 лет детские билеты по льготной цене (со скидкой 25 процентов стоимости) в период с 1 октября по 15 мая;
9) объявлять ценность багажа;
10) получать от перевозчика, водителя, работника автостанции информацию об услугах по перевозкам;
11) на компенсацию причиненного вреда.

воскресенье, 5 мая 2013 г.

Report on customer behaviour.The Platinum rule.4 types.Characteristics.

One of the main tactics to a success of a business is - understanding of customer behaviour. It helps companies: (i) to satisfy customers, (ii) adopt the marketing idea and, (iii) gain legitimacy in society (Sheth, Mittal, 2004).
Modern researchers reveal more than a dozen various models of our behavioural differences. But many share one common thread: the grouping of behaviour into four main categories. The Platinum Rule of Dr. Tony Alessandra focuses on patterns of external and observable behaviours using scales of directness and openness that each style exhibits. Because we can see and hear these external behaviours, it becomes much easier to “read and understand” people. This model is practical, simple, and easy to use and remember.

Because it is known that the benefits the company achieves are due to a successful delivery of customer service it is very important that the sales person recognises the types of customer he deals with and identifies the method to cope with one or another type. 
Overall there are recognised four main types of customers' behaviour, these are as follows:
Relater tends to be indirect and open;
Director usually is direct and guarded;
Socialiser tends to be direct and open;
Thinker is indirect and guarded

The relaters put the priority on the relationship. Their pace is slow and relaxed. Their appearance is casual and they tend to conform and dress like those around them. The workplace of this type of customers is personal, relaxed and friendly. The relaters usually get their security from friendship and cooperation. They rely on other people. One of the things they fear is sudden, abrupt change. Relaters also measure their personal worth by their compatibility with others and the depth of their relationships. They're internally motivated by involvement, in other words such type of people have a need to be needed by others.
·         listening,
·         teamwork,
·         follow along.
·         are little overly sensitive,
·         sometimes slow to start,
·         tend not to set very big goals,
·         irritated by insensitivity and impatience,
·         when under stress become submissive or indecisive.
Upon making decisions relaters usually tend to do so with others and what they're seeking from people is a sense of acceptance and a sense that people and relaters will be working together.

The thinkers are slow and systematic with their priority on the task. Their focus is on the process and their appearance is a little more formal or a little more reserved. The source of security for thinkers is preparation and thoroughness. Their workplace is often structured and functional. In reality thinkers fear criticism of their work as well as get embarrassed. They measure their personal worth by precision and accuracy. And their internal motivation is the process. Commonly the thinkers love following a detailed process and believe in personal competence.

·         planning,
·         organization.
·         tend to be perfectionism,
·         are hypercritical,
·         slow decision makers,
·         Under stress tend to withdraw or become very headstrong about the facts and figures that they're working on.

Thinkers make thorough decisions (well thought out). And they're seeking from people accuracy and information, something they can rely on. Usually thinkers want to know that they can not only rely on someone, but also rely on people's research, data, claims, warranty that come with whatever people are offering them.

This type of customers is fast and decisive. The directors focus on the task and want to get results. They're businesslike and powerful. Their workplace is busy, efficient and structured. They tend to exert control and leadership in order to gain security. Directors often feel most secure when they're in charge. What they fear is being taken advantage of or wasting time. They measure their personal worth by the results they get, the track record they've built and the progress they're making. Their internal motivation is winning, being in charge.

·         delegating,
·         leadership,
·         inspiring others.

·         impatient,
·         insensitive,
·         disliking details,
·         irritated by inefficiency and indecision.
·         Under stress, highly critical and become dictatorial.

Their decisions are decisive and quick and most often they seek the bottom-line results. The directors want to see some productivity and that there is an outcome.

The socialisers are fast, spontaneous and put the focus on the interaction and the relationship with other people. Their appearance is reckless and more stylish. The workplace for socialisers is personal, a little cluttered, sometimes stimulating. As for their source of security, it is flexibility, playfulness and gaining the approval of other people. What they fear is loss of prestige or boredom. Such customers measure their personal worth by recognition they've achieved, the number of friends, status, the kind of attention they're drawing to themselves. Their internal motivator is being part of the team. In other wards they want to be involved.

·         persuasive,
·         enthusiastic,
·         entertaining.

·         not very punctual,
·         ignore details and sometimes appear restless,
·         irritated by routines and perfectionism,
·         sarcastic under stress,
·         sometimes superficial.

Socialisers make their decisions quickly and spontaneously. What they seek is quick outcomes. They want recognition, to have fun. In addition to see the things happening, socialisers also want to be involved in what's happening.

the relaters need to know how a suggested offer will affect their personal situation. The best way is to deal gently and avoid conflict. In order to facilitate their decision-making it is better to give them personal service, assurances, guarantees. Communicating with others, relaters want their companions to be pleasant and supportive of their feelings and concerns. One of the priorities in dealing with socialiser will be to create a personal environment for the dialogue; go at a slow and relaxed pace; be casual and cooperative with them; Use a time to develop the relationship. The written communication should be warmly and friendly.
The thinkers need to know how they can justify what a person is talking about logically. They want to be able to explain it and know how it works. To deal with them a person must be accurate and avoid a slightest possibility of making the thinkers to get embarrassed. The best way to help them to make a decision is to explain all information and data. As a habit, thinkers want the people the y communicate to, to be precise and to support their process. On dealing with this type it is best to create a serious, thoughtful environment; maintain a slow and systematic pace and put the priority on the task and following the process; be structured and play by the rules; use a time to ensure accuracy. Upon written communication a person should be detailed and precise. And on the telephone, communication should be a business-like, precise and efficient.
The directors desire to know what a product or service does, by when and what it costs. In other words they search a bottom line. Conviction is a great tool to deal with this type of customers. While communicating with directors a person should Stand up for himself, stand for what he does as well as his product with the same save the directors time and effort. In order to help them make decisions it is better to give them options with supporting documentation or analysis. Usually they want their interlocutor to get to the point, support the goals they're trying to achieve and create a business-like atmosphere for the dialogue. As a matter of fact the director tend to be competitive and aggressive, hence a person dealing with them must be prepared to respond to it. It would be wise to use time with a director to act efficiently. The writing to the director should be short and to the point. A same strategy should be on the phone.
For the socialiser, what they want to know is how's this going to work for them? How's it going to make them look? How's it going to help them get the results they want to get? How's it going to save them time, and how's it going to make life more fun? The best way to communicate with them is to be creative and in order to facilitate their decision it would be wise to give them testimonials from people they admire and respect and incentives that they will personally enjoy or benefit from. They want a communicator to be supportive of their ideas. It is best to create an enthusiastic atmosphere; be fast and spontaneous. The priority for socialisers is the relationship and the interaction, on dealing with this type of customers a person should put the focus on a dialogue and get them involved. Usually if they're not talking, they're not listening either. While communicating socialisers tend to be spontaneous and playful, which a person they come in a contact should be the same. On writing to them, a tone should be informal and a little dramatic and on the phone - conversational, flexible and playful.


According to the described above behavioural characteristics I may consider myself as thinker. Understanding my own behavioural style and natural tendencies are just the first step to enhancing relationships. The main point is people should be treated according to their behavioural style, not ours.
Knowing weaknesses and strengths of each type as well as considering my own capabilities I would adapt to each of the behavioural style differently. The below is a potential strategy as to dealing with customer behaviours of each type.

Adaptation to the director style
·         not waste their time, because they are sensitive
·         Be organized and get to the point.
·         Give them relevant information and options, with probabilities of success.
·         Give them written details to read at their leisure – all on a single page.
·         appeal to their sense of accomplishment because they are goal-oriented,
·         support their ideas and acknowledge their power and prestige.
·         Let them talk
·         be efficient and competent.
·         Plan to be prepared, organized, fast-paced, and always to the point
·         Learn and study their goals and objectives – what they want to accomplish, how they currently are motivated to do things, and what they would like to change
·         Suggest solutions with clearly defined and agreed upon consequences as well as rewards that relate specifically to their goals
·         Get to the point
·         Provide options and let them make the decision, when possible
·         Listen to their suggestions

Adaptation to socialiser style:
·         Support their ideas, goals, opinions, and dreams.
·         not argue with their visions;
·         get excited about them.
·         flutter around with them if that is required
·         Bring up an entertaining conversation (e.g. jokes)
·         Avoid rushing into tasks
·         write things down and work from a list
·         Show that I am interested in them, let them talk, and allow my animation and enthusiasm to emerge
·         Clearly summarize details and direct these towards mutually agreeable objectives and action steps
·         Provide incentives to encourage quicker decisions

Adaptation to the relater style
·         take things slow,
·         earn their trust, support their feelings, and show sincere interest
·         Never back a Relater Style into a corner
·         Be sincere, pleasant, and friendly
·         Develop trust, friendship, and credibility at a relatively slow pace
·         Ask them to identify their own emotional expectations
·         Avoid rushing them and give them personal, concrete assurances

Adaptation to the thinker style
·         be sensitive
·         support the Thinker Styles in their organized, thoughtful approach to problem solving.
·          Be systematic, logical and exact
·         Give them time to make decisions.
·         Allow them to talk in detail.
·         be thorough, well prepared, detail-oriented, business-like, and patient.
·         prepare, so that I can answer as many of their questions accurately
·         Greet them cordially, but proceed quickly to the task; don’t start with personal or social talk
·         Ask questions that reveal a clear direction and that fit into the overall scheme of things
·         Give them time to think; avoid pushing them into hasty decisions
·         Tell them both the pros and cons
·         Follow through and deliver what you promise.
As Dyche (2002) outlined no customer can be thinker, relater, director and socialiser for 100% (Figure 1). Every individual displays these qualities and features, however at the different degree. Thus the sales person must learn as much as possible about his or her customer in order to identify a perfect and successful approach to do business with the client. One of the main tactics that will bring a sales man to a great performance during a sales process is to ask questions, always be patient as well as be ready to accept verbal abuse, in instance: harsh language, name calling or offensive remarks. Dealing with different types of customers the person should also consider aggressive responses, such as shouting or threatening gestures, as it can happen while communicating with director-type customers.
The sales persons must also learn how to be dominant during a sales process and be able to control it, with a same making his/her customer to buy form them. However the people doing business should also remember that in addition to challenging and difficult customers there are those that are very easy to be dealt with for example such as socialiser-customers. 
In order to respond well to all types of customers, sales person needs to be skilled in such areas as: assessing and recognising their own emotional responses; monitoring their behaviour during an interaction with the customer; be active listeners; always ask question to clarify the customer’s problem and be ready to negotiate.