четверг, 7 марта 2013 г.

Botox and Pregnancy: is it possible to make “beauty shots” to expectant mothers?

A pregnant woman, like anyone else, wants to look beautiful, young and fresh. However, in preparation for motherhood, expectant mothers in the first place do not worry about their appearance, but the proper development of the child, so they avoid negative effects of nicotine, alcohol and all kinds of drugs. For this reason, many women are thinking about the safety of modern cosmetic procedures – in particular, injections of Botox.

    So are these two concepts compatible : Botox and pregnancy?
How do Botox injections “work”? The effectiveness of such popular procedure today, as injections of Botox, is extremely high. The principle of the injection is that the administration of botulinum toxin into the skin in a low concentration blocks the nerve endings of muscles, thus achieving the effect of non-surgical smoothing facial wrinkles and skin tightening, which persists for about 3-4 months.

Botox: pros and cons

If, under normal circumstances, an injection of Botox is made at a specialist clinic, there will be no complications after the procedure. However, Botox during pregnancy may have a greater impact on a woman’s body and cause significant weakness, digestive problems, allergic reactions, dizziness, shortness of breath and other rarely seen side effects of the drug under normal circumstances. That’s why beauticians and Gynaecologists do not recommend the injection even for women who have repeatedly done it before pregnancy. The future mother should worry not about how much is a shot of Botox, but whether it is safe for her and her baby.

If a woman decides at any cost to fight wrinkles during pregnancy and make botulinum toxin therapy it is highly recommended to consult a doctor – obstetrician-gynaecologist and beautician.

Botox during pregnancy: research

Despite a passion for “beauty injections”, which is noticeable all over the world, the effect of Botox on the body of a pregnant woman and the developing foetus is still unknown.

On this issue, opinions of experts differ. Some believe that to compare the pros and cons of Botox is impractical, because the risk of side effects persist, and this can adversely affect foetal development. Other experts believe that Botox and pregnancy are quite compatible, because the dose of the botulinum toxin injection is so small that it could not have a systemic impact on the body of a pregnant woman.

However, the results of medical studies, conducted on rats and rabbits at the Italian National Institute of Neuroscience, showed that high doses of Botox during pregnancy can cause : spontaneous abortions, malformations, development delays, insufficient weight gain of the foetus.

Of course, these results are not direct evidence of potential harm of Botox to the foetus. However, at this stage, the developers of the drug do not wish to risk by women’s health, hence they do not target them with similar studies on Botox and pregnancy. And this is clear. Because in the course of studying the pros and cons of Botox injections should not be made to the pregnant woman, that may endanger the life of her child. And this is an inadequate payment for momentary beauty.

According to physicians, greater responsibility for the health of the child lies with women themselves, so they, like anyone else, need to understand that we should be careful about the Botox injections during the pregnancy( if we want it to be successful).

But when women are only planning pregnancy, Botox injections can be made safely up to pregnancy.

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